laughing at the days to come

"she is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." -Proverbs 31:25

Saturday, July 23, 2011

a little imagination.

Everyday, i meet more and more people who don't seem to have an imagination anymore. terrifying, i know. Throughout this summer, the interns, several highschool students, several junior high girls and myself have not only imagined, but also created a family. It has continued to grow week after week, as we added more poeple and decided where they fit into the picture. Yesterday we decided to meet at East Cobb Park to take pictures of our "imaginary family," before the interns separated, the high schoool girls went off to college, and the little girls started school again. We arrived at five, dressed in jeans on the bottom and white on top. What are the odds that all of us would be able to make it to the park at the same time? i don't know, but we had such a fun time being together, pretending to be a family, playing in the park, and making fun of America's obsession with family photos.
once again, annie and i found ourselves far too easily satisfied. but then again, a little imagination never hurt anybody!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

making sense of things.

Tonight, we had our second to last pancake bible study of the summer. i set up weekly Bible studies on Thursday nights at the blass' throughout the summer-because I knew if I didn't, I would let the summer slip by without setting aside time for the important stuff. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about fun and games, but I realize that sharing Jesus with these girls is a MUST and the main reason I'm here. Sure, I want to show them Jesus with my actions-by being with them, loving them, helping them, and walking with them, but I didn't want the summer to fly by without actually talking with them about the Lord. My goal for this time (other than improving on my pancake making skills!) was encouraging one another, learning pieces of God's word, and praying together. SIMPLE. but oh so good. I decided to teach each week out of the book "wired for worship," a book that I really enjoyed when I was in middle school. Each week, I prepared a short talk, about fifteen minutes, and then we took time to pray with one another. Some weeks, I felt that we accomplished nothing of eternal value, while other weeks, I started to believe we were finally getting somewhere. Tonight was one of the most encouraging nights of the whole summer for me. The wheels started turning; the pieces started fitting; they got it. Tonight the girls were quick to answer my questions, begging to share, and spitting out the God's truth..."oh! so THAT'S what you meant the first week when you said if we are rooted in Jesus, our lives will reflect His charter. oh, now I get it, anything I do can be an act of worship to God! So what your saying is that, I was made to worship God, but I worship other things instead...that's why I'm never satisfied!" yes. yes. yes!!

I'll admit, Thursday comes each week, and without fail, I am scrambling to get the lesson together. This week especially. It reminds me of a passage I read in 1 Corinthians last week. Paul is writing to the Corinthian church about Christ's power working through His weakness: "For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel—not with wisdom and eloquence, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power...And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power." 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

I don't have the fancy words, the perfect illustrations.
i struggle to be bold with these girls.
i feel inadequate. I see my shortcomings.
I have come here in weakness.
but the cross is powerful and His word is living.
God is at work in these girl's lives.
and it's exciting to see.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I am not a cow. and I hope I never am. But since Annie and I can never pass up a good excuse to dress up, we decided that dressing up for cow appretiation day at Chik-fil-a was a MUST. (in case you haven't caught on, we are far too easily pleased.) I write about this, not only because dressing up like a cow in FUN, but also because the Lord has been so faithful to me this summer, by providing a group of friends my age that I can spend time with on my days off/ when I need a break. Although most of my time is spent with the little girls ( which i love!) it's been such a blessing-needed and refreshing to have these people in my life for the summer.

to all the cows in the world: we appretiate you.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

stone mountain.

Last wednesday, the junior high and high school youth group ( and their families) drove out to Stone Mountain Park in Atlanta. We arrived early evening, set out blankets, threw the football, ate our packed dinners, and enjoyed one another's company. You know that perfect feeling when the sun is setting, your sweating like a crazy person, and your running barefoot on soft grass? One word: SUMMER. A large group of us made the adventurous hike up the mountain, and let me tell you, it was quite a struggle for Annie and I. but with a camera in hand and our singing voices ready, we had a blast climbing. The view at the top was beautiful and oh so worth it. We stayed for the fireworks and laser light show and little Eliza ( a little sister of one of my students.) climbed onto my lap and dripped blue popsicle juice all over my leg. I enjoyed every second of it. i love the people here.

Friday, July 8, 2011


A few weeks ago, we took our middle school students to The Edge Conference at Covenant. Not only is covenant very dear to my heart, but I've served at The Edge the past three years, and fell in love, so it is also one of my most favorite places in the WORLD. The week was packed: worship and talks morning and night, tournaments and water wars during the day, and dance parties and dark games at night. I went into the edge thinking "oh, I'm strong, I'm ready to lead my girls, this will be a great week of growth for them." God shook my plans, BIG TIME. (haha, surprise!) It was one of those times where the devil hit me at my weakest, most vunerable points, where I was emotionally and physically weak, and where God had things He wanted to say to me." I waded through so much personally with the Lord during that week and after, and learned a lot about ministry as well. I was reminded that it's not me that loves and keeps students, it's the Lord; and in my weakness, He showed me just that. I was reminded that I don't change hearts, God does. and I was reminded that God wants to work IN me, even as He works THROUGH me.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

you are for me.

A year ago today marks the first day of this very hard year. For this reason, yesterday I got in my car, drove 'til Roswell Rd ends, parked my car, and hiked to a waterfall. alone. I sat at the waterfall (i looked like the biggest i proud of it? hmm, maybe.) with my bible and journal in hand. Two hours FLEW by before I even looked at my watch and realized I needed to go home. During those two hours I read. i prayed. i thought. i cried. I can't believe a year has gone by since ben and I broke up and I can't even begin to realize all the different ways that the breakup spilled over and effected different areas of my life and opened my eyes to other broken areas that I didn't want to admit. It's hard to say, but even a year later, i feel that the Lord is still stripping, ripping, breaking...rebuilding, restoring, rescuing. I look back over this year and I see that I am still learning that HIS timing is best. but above all else, I know that my father is fighting for me; not against me.

The night before I went to the waterfall, I was thinking over the past year. I pulled out my journal and this is what I wrote:

I cannot be moved. you are my hope. so faithful. always pursuing; always loving me. you give me hope for the future. I am broken...but you heal me each day. redeemer. restorer. rescuer. powerful. mighty. strong. always holding me close to your heart. my name is written on your hands. you understand my pain; you get my every move. so consistant. you protect me. you break down, tear apart, claw make me more like you. I am loved; with an everlasting love. you promise to rebuild me; you promise i will be filled with joy again. you hear my cry for help. you protect me. you hold me close. you work for my good. you have saved me; and you can do it again. i am weak...but you are strong. your love never fails; your love is perfect. you are patient. you are for me. you are gentle and vicious. you love me deeplu. you have not left me. you wisper truth. so constant. you show me love. even when i run; you chase me. you never let go of me. you came down to show me love. you do not change, you cann't be shaken. you make me brave and strong. you see the depths of my heart ( and still love me!). you love me...that's why you say no. you are my shepherd; you know me more than anyone else. father. king. best friend. you will fulfill your purpose for my life. you are close when i am hurting. you are my peace and joy. you are my hiding place. you remind me of your promises. you teach me to love and forgive; and be forgiven. you know what I need most. you fill me up. you know weaknesses. you give me much to be thankful for. you are my hope and defense. you fight the battle for me.

these are the things that God has taught me about himself this year.
can i get an amen?