laughing at the days to come

"she is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." -Proverbs 31:25

Friday, August 5, 2011

sister. lady. neighbor. friend.

I drove home from Marietta on Monday and BROUGHT sweet Annie with me.
We had such a fun time in Florida-being silly, dancing in the kitchen, watching movies, splashing around at the beach, baking, talking, and wrapping up all our sweet summer memories together.
I have loved living with Annie this summer-from hikes to the waterfall, late bake nights, or serious talks, she's become one 0f my closest friends.
I've never met anyone who understands me so well, shares so many of my interests, and sees the world the same way that I do.
I love every single second that I spend with her.
Annie will never know what a big encouragement she has been to me this summer--from pushing me to love the little girls, reminding me to take a rest, leaving Bible verses on the mirror, and spending my days off with me.
I see so much of Jesus in Annie: she's so intentional with others, constantly looking for ways to put them above herself. I've watched Annie loose two grandparents this summer and faithfully trust her Father through it all. She is so full of life, with a joy from knowing Jesus. She is hard working, always smiling, and constantly dancing around, making others laugh.
I've grown to love so many things about her: her obsession with country music and baking, her love for people, and her giant smile.
Annie is two years younger than me, but I look up to her in so many ways.
I want to be just like her when I grow up.
Yesterday we prayed for each other before she left and I was reminded that THIS is how God intended us to love, encourage, and bare with one another.
I'm excited about heaven with this lady.

Monday, August 1, 2011

goodbye logan circle.

I love marrietta. I love everything about it. I love that Target is 3 minutes away from me. i love that I live in a house with red shutters. I love that annie lives one room away from me. i love that i can walk right in the Norman's front door. i love that if you know Roswell road and Johnson ferry you are golden. i love that i can sit in my brother's office and talk with him. i love that if you drive til Roswell road ends you hit a waterfall. and i love the people.

This has been such a hard goodbye. It's so diffiucult to walk with these girls, love on them, and be loved in return-and then just leave. I've been so blessed by their sweet smiles and friendship this me crazy, but i think junior high girls are the greatest. oh but they are! They are so full of life and potential. So many people, today, think so little of students as if they aren't real people until they are 25 and married with a "real" job. but have they spend any time with them? Listen to their voices, grow with them, walk with them--and I think you'll find you can learn a lot from a seventh grader. I love that about them. Not only do they constantly keep me entertained, but I am constantly learning WITH them. I am so thankful for that. They are such a beautiful picture of God's great love for His people, each with their own quirks, giggles, talents, and personalities.

I can't believe that August 1 has arrived. (a day that I pretended would never come.) I don't really know what it looks like from here. How do I love them and then leave? How do I build relationships and then just let them end? How do I get a peek into their lives-their likes and dislikes, their joys and pains, their strengths and weaknesses and then just jump out? It is for this reason that I am so grateful that "Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore." Hebrews 13:8. This summer is just a small picture of God's great plans for these girls and while I step out of their lives, I'm thankful that their faithful Father will remain the same. It is for this reason that I am thankful that I'm not the one who changes hearts and watches over these girls; the Lord is their keeper and I can rest assured that he will be their shepherd.

This summer couldn't have gone any better. The Lord constantly showed me His faithfulness through His people. I remember arriving in May, fearful of my relationships with the other interns, the family I would live with, and the students. I thought that this would be such a lonely summer. God has a tendency to surprise me. I learned so much this summer and I'm so thankful for the Lord's great power through my many weaknesses and inadequacies. During the last Junior high life an old song by Steven Curtis Chapman (ahh such road trip memories with my family growing up.) came on and the words seemed to fit perfectly as I stand in awe, speechless of God's great power this summer. i am so thankful.

We are speechless so amazed
We stand in awe of your grace
We stand in awe of your mercy
We stand in awe of your love
We are speechless

We are speechless in your presence now
We stand in awe of your cross
We're astounded as we consider how
We stand in awe of your power
You have shown us
A love that leaves us speechless
We are speechless