laughing at the days to come

"she is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." -Proverbs 31:25

Saturday, May 14, 2011

my boxes have landed. WEEK ONE.

well. my boxes have landed in Atlanta and I'm here, and getting settled in! (oh, long story short, on the way to the airport, we got a flat tire. In normal Wilkening fashion, we were of course running late and it soon became obvious that i was going to miss my flight. Well not so fast! A friendly police man stopped by, offered to give us a ride to the aiport, and drove off with my mom and I in the back cage of his police know, like where the criminals sit, pretty cool, huh? ) and i am getting to know names and faces! and let me tell you...

i. am. loving. it. I can't believe it's finally here. I have dreamt of being a summer intern FOR YEARS. I'm so thankful and thrilled that God has allowed this door to open and provided me this job for the summer.

i'm loving my temporary home. The family i'm living with (the blass family) are just the sweetest. They remind me so much of my family-happy, busy, and loving. I'm enjoying having a sister for the summer (annie, who just finished her junior year of highschool.) and their house is a cute two story home with a red door on a little hill in a quiet neighborhood. i know, adorable.

i'm loving the staff at ECPC. The other three interns (caleb, charissa, and kirsten) are SO MUCH FUN. I've enjoyed getting to know them this week and have laughed many times throughout the past few days. i'm so thankful that the Lord has allowed us all to bond so quickly and i look forward to getting closer with each of them throughout the summer.

i'm loving the students. you know how when you get to a new place you feel all unsettled? maybe a little nervous? afraid to meet people? well that feeling quickly left me on my second day here, when i sat down at a table of about seven middle school girls. After introducing myself, i was greeted by a excited, chipper seventh grader who said "my name is McCall! ya, know like a BIRD!" i knew i would like it here. i really just love students.

i'm loving what God is teaching me. this whole week, one passage has continually been in my head. It's in Exodus 14 when Moses is leading the Israelites out of the desert, and God's people are fearful of the Egyptians who are chasing after them. Moses tells the Israelites, "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." Those words constantly rang through my head during various times this week. so simple. so beautiful. so needed. such a great reminder that this summer will be a battle; yet it is the Lord's battle and He will fight for me. during our intern training day, we began the morning by studying Joshua 5 and 6. A familiar passage, but a great reminder. i'm so quick to think that I need to gear up, work extra hard, and get ready to change student's hearts this summer. silly me. Of course i'm called to work hard, do my best, and make the most of every opportunity, but if i fight in my own power, i'm sure to loose the battle. I don't change hearts, Jesus does. I can't love students in my own strength. It isn't me that can win the battle it's Him. Jesus wants my faithfulness. and sometimes that means hitting the floor and doing THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what I feel like I should be doing... remembering to depend on Him. I can picture myself looking up at God and saying "you want me to march around Jerico and blow a trumpet? you. have. to. be. kidding. me. C'mon, God think of something better!" or "okay, God, so you're commanding me to tell the israelites that all they have to do is be still? God, I can't tell them that, they want to RUN." I really admire Moses and Joshua's obedience in the Lord-recognizing their desperate need for Him and depending on Him for every single breath.

On Wednesday night, I gave my testimony at highschool youth group. I hate public speaking, in fact, it's my least favorite thing about youth ministry. But as I prepared beforehand and spoke, I couldn't help but be excited about the ways that God has brought me to himself. I was reminded that this isn't about me; it's about God and what He has done in the lives of his people throughout history. and that's something worth being excited about. As a celebrate the ways that God has worked in my life in the past, it is my prayer that this summer, I would learn to wait on Him and BE STILL as He fights the battle.

i'm a little overwhelmed and worn out from meeting students, remembering names, and getting used to a new place; this summer is going to be crazy and busy, more so than i expected--but i am so thankful to be here and dive right in. And I have greatly enjoyed the ways that God has reminded me his faithfulness through His Word, my fellow interns, and East Cobb students. This is gonna be a great summer.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

the day has come!

okay. i gave in and did it.
the day has come.

I bought chacos.
dear summer, you may officially begin!
HAPPY MAY, my friends!